BAPIO COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool3

(Based on - All Wales COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool of the Welsh Government)

No personally identifiable data collected

Anyone with the following conditions will fall into the Very vulnerable group and must seek advice from the Occupational Health Department. They should not risk assess themselves on this tool

Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

Persons with any cancer (including any blood cancer) or bone marrow/stem cell transplant,

undergoing chemo, radio or immunotherapy and people on immunosuppressant medication.

Pregnant women (> 28 weeks) as per existing PHE guidance

Anyone with severe disease affecting any organ or body system

Sickle cell disease

Age more than 70

BAPIO COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool

(Based on - All Wales COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool of the Welsh Government)

No personally identifiable data collected

Please fill all your mandatory details

Age and Sex are mandatory!

Form No.

Developed by:

Prof. Keshav Singhal (MBE, FRCS, FLSW)

( Chair BAPIO Wales )

( Chair Risk Assessment Subgroup Wales Government )

Produced by : Pratham Software


Do you identify as one of the BAME(Black Asian Minority Ethnic) or Mixed race groups as set out in this link?


Covid-19 seems to have a bigger impact if you already have other pre-existing health conditions. You may want to speak to your GP or your union representative, if you are not sure about these questions.

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 or 2?


Cardiovascular disease.
Are you on any treatment for Hypertension (high blood pressure), Atrial Fibrillation (Irregular heart rate), Heart Failure, Previous MI (had a heart attack), had a stroke, or Transient Ischemic Attack (mini stroke)?


Chronic lung disease (including asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease)?


Chronic kidney disease (any stage 1-5)?


Sickle cell trait, Thalassaemia trait or other haemoglobinopathy?


Obesity – Covid-19 seems to have a bigger impact if you are overweight?
This link will help you work out your BMI – if your BMI is more than 30 OR If your waist circumference is:

Family history

Covid-19 seems to have a family susceptibility for some people, especially twins.
Has a member of your immediate family (parent under 70, sibling, child) been in ITU or died with Covid-19?

Workplace Setting

Select your workplace setting

Understand your risk

Your risk score is :

Use forward button for your risk recommendation

Understand your risk

You are at LOW RISK, and should consider following:

*PPE Review – This should consider the work setting, review all Transmission Based Precautions and ensure the selection and correct use of PPE including training and fit testing.

Now arrange a time to discuss with your line manager to agree a plan and ensure you are appropriately protected. This may include a discussion with Occupational Health.

Act Now


This risk assessment tool

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